


譬如說外國人問公車哪站下車,你可以跟他說you can get off at next stop.
但直接說: next stop. 他們一樣可以了解。

譬如說曾在「馬達加斯加2:逃往非洲」聽到Where are you headed? 這可能是一個口語化的用法。
但他之後馬上補了一句:I mean, where are you going? 所以我們就知道,前面這一句其實不是那麼常用,所以在這88個句子當中看不到這句出現。



Hope my dreams will come true.


1. A fool never learns. 傻瓜永遠學不會教訓

2. Are you crazy? 你瘋了嗎?

3. Are you out of your mind? 你瘋了嗎?

4. Are you sure? 你確定嗎?

5. As far as I'm concerned. 就我而言/我想...

6. Be my guest. 請便、別客氣

7. Can you give me a hand? 你能幫我嗎?

8. Can you keep an eye on my bag? 可以幫我看一下包包嗎?

9. Do you have any openings? 你們有職缺嗎?

10. Don't beat around the bush. 別拐彎抹角

11. Don't give me any excuses. 別給我任何理由

12. Don't jump to conclusions. 話別說得太早

13. Everything will be fine. 希望一切都會很好

14. Excuse me for a moment. 失陪一會

15. Not at all. 一點也不

16. How can I contact you? 我如何與您連絡

17. I can't afford it. 我承擔/買不起

18. I can't make it. 我去不了/我趕不上/我做不到

19. I feel much better now. 我感覺好多了

20. I have a runny nose. 流鼻涕

21. I have no other choice. 我別無選擇

22. I hope I didn't offend you. 希望沒有冒犯你

23. I hope this will teach you a lesson. 希望這會給你一個教訓

24. I hope you will get well soon. 希望你很快好起來

25. I mean it. I'm serious. 我是認真的

26. I think it's a reasonable price. 我覺得這價錢合理

27. I wasn't born yesterday. 別小看我了

28. I wish I could. 不行

29. I’m behind in my work. 我工作落後了

30. I'd like to try on these T-shirt. 我想試穿這些T-shirt

31. I'll be looking forward to it. 我期待這一天的到來

32. I'll be ready in a few minutes. 再過幾分鐘就好了

33. I'll do something about it. 我會想辦法的

34. I'm afraid I can't. 恐怕不行

35. I'm all mixed up. 我全搞混了

36. I'm fed up with him. 我受夠他了

37. I'm feeling under the weather. 我覺得不舒服/情緒低落

38. I'm flattered. 過獎

39. I'm so scared. 我很怕

40. I'm working on it. 我正在努力中

41. It doesn't make any difference. 對我來說沒什麼差別/無所謂

42. It doesn't make any sense! 毫無意義/道理可言!

43. It doesn't seem like that. 似乎不像是那樣

44. It doesn't work. 壞了/故障了/怎麼弄都弄不好

45. It drives me crazy. 這快把我逼瘋了

46. It won't take much time. 不會花很長時間的

47. It’s a long story. 說來話長

48. It’s a small world. 世界真小!(隨口氣與場合不同)

49. It’s my treat. 這次我請客!

50. It’s nothing. 小事不足掛齒

51. It's a matter of life and death. 這事關生死

52. It's a pain in the neck. 那真是件麻煩人/

53. It's about time. 時間差不多了

54. It's been a long time. 好久了/好久不見

55. It's better than nothing. 總比什麼都沒有好

56. It's hard to say. 這很難說

57. It's incredible. 難以置信!

58. It's out of the question. 這不可能

59. It's raining cats and dogs. 傾盆大雨

60. It's up in the air. 尚未確定

61. It's up to you. 看你囉!

62. Let's call it a day. 今天就到這吧! (表工作結束)

63. Let's get to the point. 說重點/直搗問題核心

64. Let's give him a big hand. 給他熱烈鼓掌

65. Let's have fun tonight. 今晚好好享受吧

66. Let's keep in touch. 保持聯繫

67. Nothing works. 什麼都不對勁/無法運作

68. So far so good. 目前為止都很好

69. Sooner or later. 遲早

70. Take it easy. 別緊張/放鬆/再見

71. Take your time. 慢慢來/別著急

72. That reminds me. 那提醒了我

73. That was a close call. 太危險了/千鈞一髮

74. That's really something. 真了不起

75. The sooner the better. 越快越好

76. Time will tell. 時間會證明一切

77. What are you talking about? 你到底在說些什麼?(偏負面)

78. What the hell are you doing? 你到底在做什麼?(負面)

79. Whatever you say. 隨你怎麼說(負面)

80. What's so funny? 有什麼好笑的?

81. Who do you think you are? 你以為你是誰?

82. You can count on us. 你可以靠我們

83. You can't do this to me. 你不能這麼對我(不公平)

84. You have my word. 我保證

85. You should take advantage of it. 你應該好好利用這個機會

86. Your face tells it all. 你的表情透露了一切

87. You're the boss. 一切聽你的

88. You've got to do something. 你一定要想辦法

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